Artificial Intelligence I

  • "Intelligence: The ability to learn and solve problems" [Webster's dictionary]
  • "Artificial Intelligence is the intelligence exhibited by machines or software" [Wikipedia]
  • "The science and engineering of making intelligent machines" [McCarthy]
  • "The study and design of intelligent agents, where an intelligent agent is a system that perceived its environment and takes actions that maximize its chances of success" [Russel and Norvig AI book]


Prof. Dr. techn. Wolfgang Nejdl
Professorinnen und Professoren

Course Content

In this course we will look at the foundation of what is AI. Starting with the Introduction to AI, we will look briefly at the history of AI and discuss the question “what is AI?” before we move to Problem solving by Searching. We will introduce algorithms, which consider only one or multiple agents. Additionally, we will cover Constraint Satisfaction Problems, a different type of search problems. Finally, will discuss Markov Decision Processes, where we learn about choosing the best actions in a non-deterministic world and Reinforcement Learning, where we have to learn from experience.

Content List

  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Algorithms
  • Uninformed & Informed Search
  • Constraint Satisfaction Problems
  • Multiagent Search, Minimax and Expectimax
  • Utilities
  • Markov Decision Processes
  • Reinforcement Learning

Learning Goal

On completion of the course you will have learned important basic methdologies of modern Artificial Intelligence (AI) and several representative applications.

Teaching assistants


Schedule and other information

Lectures: weekly, Room: TBA, Time: TBA

Tutorials: weekly, Room: TBA, Time: TBA


  • The exam duration is 90 minutes.
  • The only allowed aid is a one-sided sheet of paper with handwritten notes.


Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (4th Edition) by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig.

The lecture notes and exercises are based on the following course: