
Leibniz Universität Hannover
Institut for Data Science
Department Data Science and Digital Libraries

Lange Laube 30
30159 Hannover


Simone Matern

Lange Laube 30, room 1.01

Tel. +49 (511)  7621-8868

All members of the department


Public transport

The office of Prof. Auer is located in the historic Marstall buiding next to the TIB main building Welfengarten 1b (OpenStreetmap  Google Maps), offices of the members of the department are located in Langen Laube 28 and 30 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps).

  • Both locations are within walking distance of the train station or can be reached by subway lines 4 and 5 (from the Kröpke stop to Königsworther-Platz or Leibniz Universität).

Timetable of the public transport of Hannover region (GVH)

Interactive plan of Leibniz Universität Hannover