Our Profile
The Department of Data Science and Digital Libraries was established in 2017 with the appointment of Prof. Dr. Sören Auer.
The main research areas - with a special focus on semantic data networking for Artificial Intelligence - are in the areas of.
- Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Representation, Engineering & Management
- Information Systems, Databases, Data Integration, Linked Data, Semantic and Web Technologies
- Software and Systems Engineering, data-driven Platforms, Web Engineering
- Enterprise Integration, Semantically enhanced Service Oriented Architectures
- Digital Libraries, E-Science, Science Governance, Peer-Review, Open Access
- Semantic Data Integration for Engineering & Manufacturing (Industry 4.0), Mobility and Built Environment (Smart Cities), Digital Libraries & Research Infrastructures
Information on current publications, projects and activities of Prof. Auer can be found at the TIB Research Information System as well as at ORCID, DBLP, Google Scholar, LinkedIn, Twitter, Videolectures, Slideshare, GitHub.